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Firmenübernahme Ascentix 01.02.2002

Neukunden 2001, 01.8.2001

Neue Studien der ActivMedia Research, 22.9.2000

Neukunden 2000, 01.8.2000

Neue Studien der ActivMedia Research, 21.7.2000

Neugründung Ascentix Onlinemarketing GmbH, Berlin, 10.7.2000

@d:tech Europe Amsterdam 17-19 Oktober 2000, 10.7.2000

Neukunden 2000, 01.7.2000

Archiv und Artikel - Hier finden Sie alle abgelegten Meldungen und ältere Artikel über Onlinemarketing.


Firmenübernahme, 2.2..2002 -up

Wir haben uns entschlossen, unser Partnerunternehmen Ascentix Onlinemarketing GmbH komplett zu übernehmen. Die Geschäftsanteile wurden im Februar jetzt zu 100% übernommen. Somit ist bima auch in der Hauptstadt Berlin vertreten und der Ausbau der Tätigkeiten im Onlinemarketing können vorangetrieben werden.


Neukunden, 1.8.2001 -up

Mit unserem Partner Global Reach freuen uns über einen neuen Kunden:

Wer liefert Was! - Niederlande und Belgien

Neue Studien der Activmedia Research, 22.9.2000 -up

Die ActivMedia Research hat neue Studien erstellt.
Real Numbers behind E-Transactions - Käufe, Zahlungen, Prozesse, Logistik

Mehr erfahren Sie hier auf unseren Seiten -Studien-

Auszug aus der Pressemitteilung:

The ability to automate online transactions has enabled companies to move from manual paper processing to rapid order fulfillment. This translates into Web-generated orders for products and services reaching $132 Billion in 2000, and double that next year and the year after. As E-Transactions radically alter the nature of sales processing, increase sales potential and lower transaction costs, they expose business to new and different fraud and security hazards.

In "Real Numbers Behind E-Transactions, Fraud & Security 2000," ActivMedia Research documents the infrastructure behind "E-Transactions" and their impact on online businesses. This study examines both "pure" E-Transactions (40% of online orders), where products and services are purchased online without staff intervention, and "mixed" transactions (60% of online orders), where portions of the purchase process are handled online and offline manually. However, the 1000+ e-Business Managers and Executives in this study anticipate proportions reversing in the coming year as they implement online transaction systems that help solidify their relationship with customers. From point-of-sale to point-of-fulfillment, a number of opportunities arise for Internet and computer-mediated transactions to replace staff time and effort. Here are a few key examples:
· Purchaser data gathering and submittal
· Order approval - including card screening, order acceptance, customer account updating
· Order confirmation - reducing buyer apprehension through email acknowledgements
· Order processing - preparation of shipping orders, product release orders
· Order payment - immediate or delayed
· Inventory management - materials assignment, reorder logs
· Shipping - paperwork, coordination with shipper, shipping records
· Customer service - order status inquiries, billing questions, special requests
· Management / Marketing reports - from sales volume to follow-up ticklers

This research covers the full spectrum of E-Transaction topics in detail including:
· Evolving payment & processing methods
· Transaction, ordering & sales technologies
· Customer confidence & relationship-building
· Customer service & problem resolution
· Fraud screening, prevention & control
· Server and data security

This guide to helping Web Executives make E-Transactions online safer and more satisfactory for their businesses and customers profiles global transaction volumes, identifies trends in payment and transaction technologies. It presents best practices in customer satisfaction and risk reduction across the Web's major business sectors. It is one of a series of eight reports that each offer a unique perspective on the evolving dynamics of the 'Net as viewed from the perspective of Executives and Managers responsible for website business and marketing decision-making. The scientifically selected random sample of participants offer insights from all areas of online life - B-to-C, B-to-B, Online Content (Media / Portal / Publishing) and ISP/Services. Executives, managers and analysts will appreciate the Detailed Electronic Tabulations that accompany this report. This extensive analytical tool provides first-hand access to data, empowering businesses to extend this research into areas specific to their business interests.


Neukunden, 1.8.2000 -up

Mit unserem Partner Global Reach freuen uns über zwei neue Kunden:

ShellGeoStar - Der europäische Routenplaner im Internet
Wer liefert Was! - Das europäische Branchenverzeichnis

Neue Studien der Activmedia Research, 21.7.2000 -up

Die ActivMedia Research hat neue Studien erstellt. Zum einen Netprofit 2000 - Die Zahlen hinter dem E-Commerce und Websitepromotion 2000 - Welche Werbestrategien fahren die Top-Internetcompanys. Mehr erfahren Sie hier auf unseren Seiten -Studien-

Auszug aus der Pressemitteilung:

July 11, 2000 Peterborough, NH - ActivMedia Research LLC ( -A study by ActivMedia Research detailing online promotional activity shows that businesses will spend over $13 billion to promote their Web businesses. Online marketers that target consumers have budgeted $5.8 billion for year 2000 site promotion, while B-to-B sites have allocated $5.4 billion and Media / Portal /Information / Publishing sites have appropriated $1.5 billion. Of this, 30% of the funds are allocated to online promotion.

The remainder of the budget is allocated for promoting websites through more traditional media outlets such as print, television and radio. Budgetary numbers and most popular Web promotional methods are reported in the"Real Numbers behind Website Promotion"

Search engine optimization -- 49%
Buttons & links -- 22%
PR -- 18%
Reciprocal ads & links -- 17%
Affiliate programs -- 10%
Banner ads -- 6%

Source: Real Numbers Behind Website Promotion 2000 ActivMedia Research LLC, 2000 Methods for attracting web traffic are migrating towards traditional communication strategies as the web has grown to become a platform for traditional commerce. Although free methods for site promotion are broadly acknowledged as an excellent or very good method to drive sales, high volume E-commerce websites find that reliance on search engines and directories is not sufficient for rapid growth. Only a third (36%) of websites with more than 500 online sales per month rate search engines / directory listings as "Excellent / Very Good" promotional vehicles, compared with two-thirds (67%) mid-level transactional websites (between 100 and 500 online sales per month, and just over half (54%) of lower-level transactional sites (fewer than 100 online sales per month). Instead, high-volume sites place their primary emphasis on traditional offline methods - print and broadcast - to attract new customers, and on e-mail communications to maintain an ongoing rapport and build loyalty among their existing customer base. The "Real Numbers Behind Website Promotion 2000" details optimal promotional methods by Web business sector. This study identifies tried and proven methods of online promotion that when combined with offline techniques, drive the greatest traffic which leads to the greatest number of sales. -up


Neugründung Ascentix Onlinemarketing GmbH, Berlin, 10.7.2000 -up

Mit unseren Onlinemarketingpartnern haben wir die Ascentix Onlinemarketing GmbH mit Sitz in Berlin gegründet. Ziel der Firma ist es, der führende Anbieter für intelligentes Online-marketing in Deutschland zu werden. Zum Serviceportfolio gehören Conversion-Banner-kampagnen ebenso, wie Onlinepromotion, Suchmaschinenoptimierung und neuartige innovative Onlinemarketing-Maßnahmen.

Konferenz @d:tech Europe in Amsterdam, 10.7.2000 -up

Wir haben eine Einladung zur führenden europäischen Konferenz für Online-Business erhalten. Die @d:tech.Europe geht vom 17.-19. Oktober 2000 im RIA Congress Centre in Amsterdam. Wir werden dort zusammen mit Bill Dunlap von Global Reach ( als Referent teilnehmen. Das Thema lautet: "Techniques of Multilingual Web Site Development".

Neukunden, 1.7.2000 -up

Wir freuen uns über zwei Neukunden:

Depfa Bank AG -
eSixt AG -

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